July 2005

Transliteracies home page URL: https://transliteracies.english.ucsb.edu
Role: Principal Investigator.
Funded as a University of California Multicampus Research Group for 2005-2010, Transliteracies studies and plans for innovations in online reading from the perspectives of the computer sciences, social sciences, humanities (including the history of the book field), and new media art. Project participants include faculty from seven University of California campuses and several other universities. Current deliverables include: Transliteracies Research Clearinghouse.
Suggested Citation: Transliteracies Project (Research in the Technological, Social, and Cultural Practices of Online Reading). Home page. University of California. Retrieved [Date of access, e.g., 27 September 2006]. <https://transliteracies.english.ucsb.edu/>



URL: https://agrippa.english.ucsb.edu
Role: Project Leader and General Editor.
Collaborators: Paxton Hehmeyer, James J. Hodge, Kimberly Knight, David Roh, Elizabeth Swanstrom.Agrippa (a book of the dead) appeared in 1992 as a collaboration between artist Dennis Ashbaugh, author William Gibson, and publisher Kevin Begos, Jr. The Agrippa Files is a scholarly site that presents selected pages from the original art book; a unique archive of materials dating from the book’s creation and early reception; a simulation of what the book’s intended “fading images” might have looked like; a video of the 1992 “transmission” of the work; a “virtual lightbox” for comparing and studying pages; full-text scholarly essays and interviews; an annotated bibliography of scholarship, press coverage, interviews, and other material; a detailed bibliographic description of the book; and a discussion forum.The Agrippa Files was created in 2005 (and launched publicly on Dec. 9, 2005) by Alan Liu and a volunteer team of graduate students with the assistance of the book’s publisher, Kevin Begos.
Agrippa Files home page
Suggested Citation: The Agrippa Files. Home page. Ed. Alan Liu, et al. 2005. University of California, Santa Barbara. Retrieved [Date of access, e.g., 27 September 2006]. <https://agrippa.english.ucsb.edu/>

Newly added in 2023: Materials related to Agrippa (A Book of the Dead) owned by Alan Liu

  1. Transcript of letter from Kevin Begos, Jr. to Alan Liu, Oct. 26, 2002, on the origin of Agrippa.
  2. Press Kit for Agrippa.
  3. “Small” edition of Agrippa (No. 85) (PowerPoint slides).