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The following are links to example course sites (syllabi, assignments, and “practicums”) for Alan Liu’s courses at UCSB during 2018-2022. I also curate a site titled DH Toychest containing a large set of digital humanities guides and tools in support of my courses.

Undergraduate Courses

English 25: “Literature and the Information, Media, and Communication Revolutions” (large lecture course) — Offered Spring 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. Example from 2022:

English 25S (Honors Section associated with English 25) — Example from Spring 2022: Syllabus & Assignments

English 146DS: “Data Stories: Theory and Practice of Data-driven Narratives in the Digital Age” (small course designed as a prototype for an English Dept. offering in the humanities and arts “domain emphasis” of the Data Science major proposed for UCSB)  — Offered Winter 2021 and 2022. Example from Winter 20122 (instance of  course co-taught with graduate student Rebecca Baker):

Graduate Courses

English 238: Critical Infrastructure Studies (graduate seminar) — Offered Fall 2018 and 2020. Example from 2020:

English 238: The Humanities & Data Science (graduate seminar) — Offered Fall 2019:

English 238: Digital Humanities — Introduction to the Field (graduate seminar) — Offered Fall 2021: